Follow the links…

We are so excited to see our community growing – it is such a great way to let you know what is going on around the place and to share the work of other artists that inspire us.

Our new ebook is under construction and will be available soon!



  1. Monica Dawar says

    I am an artist and photographer. I think the creative skills on mixed media will help me a lot in increasing my creative skills too. Cheers!

  2. dalia ahmed says

    nice website to know about the different media which can be used as a art media

  3. Ciao! 
sono Margherita Arrighi e credo nelle possibilità e nella forza del pensiero. 
Adoro esprimermi con i miei quadri e sviluppare idee nuove. Ogni cosa che faccio viene fuori magicamente e grazie alla mia grande curiosità!
E’ da molto tempo che mi esprimo in questo modo ma da qualche settimana ho capito il potere del web ed eccomi qua…
seguimi nel mio sito nel quale troverai la selezione dei miei quadri, il mio blog dove cerco di fare un’approfondimento personale dei libri che sto leggendo. In più tutte le novità dei miei quadri.

  4. MMA_Team says

    And in English 🙂
    Hello! I am Margaret and I believe in possibilities and in the power of thought. I love to express myself through my paintings and develop new ideas. Everything I do comes out magically and thanks to my curiosity! It ‘s long time that I express myself in this way, but a few weeks I realized the power of the web and here I am … Follow me on my website where you will find the selection of my paintings, my blog where I try to do un’approfondimento staff of the books I am reading. In addition, all the news of my paintings.

  5. ho il mixed media nell’anima e già dalla prima volta ho avuto dei buoni risultati ma grazie per le infinite possibilità che mi avete donato….!

  6. Thank you for the free e-book! I can’t wait to start reading it!

  7. Lori Croy says

    Unable to download the book offered. Link leads to a blank screen that offers no way back to previous page or any other page. Hopefully it will be an easy fix as I would love to download.

  8. Cristina Duchaump says

    I can’t get this book to download!

  9. Hi,

    I’m happy I found your website. Just wanted to let you know that the link to the free e-book “Artella Mae’s NEW Altered Ancestors!” does not work.


  10. Thanks Kathi, I will look into it! Regards, Michelle

  11. This link doesn’t work….

    Download a FREE copy of the Artella eBook, Artella Mae’s NEW Altered Ancestors!, a 58-page eBook overflowing with ideas and techniques for using vintage photos in your artwork. Download your copy here!

  12. link to ebook is dead 🙁 Help please?

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