Mixed Media Artist – Gloria Malouf-Marsh

We are coming to an end of this Mixed Media Artist series and today we have Gloria Malouf-Marsh sharing her gorgeous painting and collage. Over the last 5 months, our Mixed Media Art community has shared work from all around the world. Each artist has had different interests, reasons why they create and a wide range of skills.

Gloria has given us such a vibrant tale about herself and her art, so I’ll let her tell us in her own words.


I live in Indorpoopilly, Brisbane, Australia,  with my husband, daughter and our beagle Cassie.  My daughter is finishing her law degree this year.  Cassie is a wonderful friend of mine.  We do lots together. We enjoy our walks in the sun.  I’m a Yoga Chi Gung Teacher.  I study Taoism and Ayurveda.  I work with the rhythms of nature.  I love singing and I enjoy doing the things that I’m passionate about.

I feel whatever I choose to paint always tells me a story.  I love working with vibrant colours, and colour mixes is wonderful, and symbolism is an important factor  when I paint – connecting objects to certain things of interest and presenting it with the brush. I go on a journey with my title.

The adventure – I’m also influenced by my dreams, times in my life. Cultures have influenced my life enormously. I allow the mind and the brush to paint with flow and abandon. This  allows the juices to flow.  My journey becomes exciting. This develops a passion in me I really want to pursue.  The enthusiasm it creates gives my brush a prod of confidence. This becomes my private journey.  As my flow opens new discoveries occur and I surprise myself. Acrylic painting is very forgiving. Whether you are an amateur (like myself) or a have many years of experience, it  awakens you to the dance of life.

The health benefits are enormous.  This is when I started after surgery – 5 years ago. And I continue to do so.

I work with mixed mediums.  I started with water colours. I now enjoy  acrylic and collage.


The three acrylic paintings are an Agapanthus, Bird of Paradise and The Cameroon Lady.

Mixed Media Acrylic Painting

Acrylic painting by Gloria Malour-Marsh

Acrylic Painting


The Collage – The Tree of Life depicts the key to open the heart and the dragonfly symbolizes transformation.

Mixed Media Collage by Gloria


Gloria has also included this gorgeous cat painting.

Acrylic painting

Thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings with us!


I hope you have enjoyed this series about just a few of the mixed media artists in our community, telling their stories and sharing their artwork. A HUGE thank you to all of them! If you are interested in sharing your work, then keep an eye out for the next call-out for contributors.

Happy creating!





Mixed Media Artist – Francesca Albini

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Today we have Mixed Media Artist Francesca Albini sharing two of her journal layouts.  Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch and over the last 5 months we have shared work from all around the world. Each artist has had different interests, reasons why they create and a wide range of skills.

Let’s let Francesca tell us her story…


I am a visual artist using pretty much every media and tool that exist, from digital painting to 35mm plastic cameras. I especially love using children’s art supplies and anything colourful and interesting. I collage, paint, draw, photograph, to record feelings and memories of places and emotions. I’m Italian, I live in London, UK, with my husband, and I love travelling to warm countries, deserts and oceans.

I’d like to share with you 2 pages from my journals. The first one is a junk journal. I find them a great way to record my travels . I bring with me a hole puncher and some hinged rings, then I collect whatever scrap paper I find, leaflets, pages from books, anything relevant to my travel and I work on that, adding my own photographs, glazes of paint, and text.

Mixed Media Art journal

The second picture is from an altered book. I like creating landscapes with layered found paper and tissue paper. I paint white tissue paper to give it a feel of a grass field or rocks, then rip it with my hands and laminate it with PVC glue.

Mixed Media Art Journal

To see more of Francesca’s  artistic endevours, you can visit her blog: http://franjournal.blogspot.com/


Thank you for sharing your work with us, Francesca.



Mixed Media Artist – Trudy Thayer

Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch and this week we turn to the fabrics side of Mixed Media Art and Trudy Thayer shares her “Sandwich art” with us.


Trudy Thayer is a 65 year old mom, gramma, veteran, and late-in-life college with a BFA  specialty in graphic design. She lives in Vancouver, Washington and loves the area and the artistic stimulus that abounds there.

mixed media fabric

“I call this project my sandwich art”, says Trudy, “I put together as many pieces of material I want, usually 5-6. Then randomly stitch all over it. No pattern; then I cut out down to a particular layer to expose different patterned material, and clip 1/4″ from the seam, cut to fringe.”

“Then embellish to my hearts’  content. I can make these personal, like for birthdays, or scenic, just about any theme I want. I have a lot of fun with these and the recipients love them. Fun, it’s all fun.”


It certainly does look like fun! Thanks Trudy to sharing your sandwich art with us.


Mixed Media Artist – Debbie Davis

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Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests and reasons why we create and a wide range of skills. We love featuring a wide range of mixed media artist. Debbie Davis has come over to play with us this week. She shares her vintage children’s dress pattern on clayboard piece with us.

I’ll let Debbie tell us about herself…

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I’ve always loved art and have been creating arts & crafts off and on for many years.  My most favorite childhood Christmas present was a little box of art supplies.  I recently discovered beeswax and really enjoy working with it because it’s a natural, non-toxic product and it smells wonderful.

I live in Morton, Illinois (USA) not too far from the house I grew up in.  I’ve been happily married for 31 years and have a daughter, son and 2 wonderful grandchildren. Besides art, I love to work in my flower gardens and read.

I think what I love most about mixed media art is that you don’t have to be an expert at anything to create beautiful art.  It is a great way to recycle found objects. Art is such a wonderful stress reliever.  I just wish I had more time to play!

Recently I was shopping at a Mission Mart looking for items to use in collage art.  I was inspired by a vintage children’s dress pattern I spotted in the store.  I made a collage using beeswax to adhere some of the pattern tissue and pattern package to a claybord.  I painted the board with beeswax and then added scrapbook paper, pattern tissue and part of the pattern envelope by painting them on with beeswax and fusing each layer together with a heat gun and mini iron.  I stamped a flower onto tissue paper and adhered it to the collage with beeswax along with some buttons and fabric trim.

Mixed Media Encaustic clayboard

I don’t have a blog but have been thinking about starting one.  Thanks so much for the invitation to guest post.  I really look forward to receiving your emails and love the inspiration I get from them.

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Thanks for sharing your gorgeous artwork with us. I love the vintage dress pattern with the beeswax – they go so well together. And I’m sure everyone here will encourage you to start your own blog to allow you to share more of you work with the Mixed Media Art community.

