Mixed Media Artist – Cynthia Stevens

Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills.  Today we have Cynthia Stevens over to play and share two of her pieces.

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Cynthia lives in  Utah, USA, but describes herself as a “transplanted NYer”.  She is a teacher and writer, and has a BA in Theater, with two grown children and two mini-schnauzers.

“I am newish to mixed media art, especially found and altered art,” Cynthia says, “I love eclectic choices in music and reading, including British/Shakespearean, fairies, Broadway and E.E. Cummings”.  Ruben, Isabel Toledo, and the late Alexander McQueen can also be counted amongst the things she loves and finds inspiration in.

Mixed Media art collage

“Purple Picture” is from Cynthia’s first altered book [class taught by artist Teresa Flowers].  It’s made from an old “Datebook”, kept for quotes and illustrations.  Cynthia started with torn and wrinkled tissue paper for the background, using Mod Podge to glue it all down.  Embellishments include ribbon, multi-colored lace, a vintage postage stamp, torn picture and bit of art from copyright-free sources with some silver ink and sprinkles of silver glitter.

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Mixed Media Art Collage

“Time” picture has been added to the same book as the “Purple Picture”.  This reflects Cynthia’s thoughts of the passing of time.  Some parts, like the bicycle man, were already on the page.  The old Italian Renaissance building is a clear print from a permanent print in public domain.  Collage pieces from public domain, plus craft stick-ons. Only glue was Mod Podge.  All page edges in this book were cut to look ripped by craft scissors.

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Thanks so much for stopping by, Cynthia and sharing your altered datebook with us.




Mixed Media Artist – Margie Diamante

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Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills.  Margie Diamante has come along this week to share a very special piece.

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Mixed Media Sculpture

Margie tells us a bit about her piece Out of Gesso; “The mannequin was very easy to alter. I used a sack from Jerry’s and made the logo to use on the little Tee shirt and his art apron, and just added what I thought he needed.”

“Love mixed media the best because I can use any materials I want,” Margie continues “I really had fun with him and he is sitting in my glass cabinet now.”

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Thank you for sharing him with us Margie. He certainly makes me smile.



Mixed Media Artist ~ Jenny Panda


Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills.  This week Jenny Panda shares her work and a bit about herself.

Jenny was born in India, during British Raj, educated in England, then moved to Canada in 1970. She has taught in England and Canada for 34 years with an emphasis on creativity; art, drama, music, children’s literature and computer exploration.

“I like to play with different media,” Jenny says, “but I know I enjoy portrait painting which I seem to be doing quite often these days! I also love collage.”

Jenny is now an Executive Member of Fine Arts Society of Milton and has published several books primarily for children.

You can see more of Jenny’s work on her Blog: Jenny Panda.

Jenny Panda fiine painting

Jenny Panda Mixed Media

Jenny Panda

Jenny Panda

Jenny Panda


Thanks for sharing your work with us, Jenny.




Mixed Media Artist ~ Stacy Steinborn

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Our Mixed Media Art community is such a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills.  This week Stacy Steinborn will tell us her story and shares some of her artwork with us.

Enter Stacy…


My name is Stacy Steinborn and my home is in a little suburb outside of Nashville called Spring Hill TN in the USA.  I am a happy wife of almost 14 years and one of the reasons I am so happy is because I agree to agree with my husband that we both march to our own drum, but somehow it produces harmony.  And in the drumming of our life, we have been joined by two little girls that have their own little percussion section going! We have a 14 year old diabetic min pin and the most wonderful evil kitty in the world!

I am the kind of girl who prefers swirls over rigid lines, I read my magazines from back to front, and I love making a mess to make something completely amazing in the end.  That is one reason why I love mixed media.  My mixed media journey is rather young.  I have always painted, but my hands were needing to get more involved.  I started around September of 2010.  I love using things such as recycled paper, magazines, lace, blue jeans, gauze and rope to collaborate into something that was not, into something that is inspiring or completely different.

I don’t know if I have a certain style, I do some sculpting in a lot of my art with my fingers, paste and some lucky recycled item.   I believe that I can start with something in mind and in the process of adding and sculpting in a mixed media piece, the work changes into what it wanted to be.  I have loved art my entire life.  I read a quote once and it is the closest thing to what my soul feels when I look and admire art.  It is:

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” ~ Thomas Merton

This is exactly why I love art.


by Stacy


More of Stacy’s work can be found on her Flooded in Light blog.

Thanks for sharing your art story with us, Stacy!


