COVID-Safe requirements: to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community and reduce the risk of exposure to our staff and visitors, we have the following guidelines in place.
- Classes will be limited to a maximum of 8 people
- Masks to be worn at all times
- Physical distance between participants of no less than 1.5 metres must be adhered to
- Check in with Vic Gov QR code or paper form
- Show vaccine certificate or proof of medical exemption
- Wash and/or sanitise hands on arrival
- Extra cleaning and sanitising processes will be undertaken throughout the facility, bathrooms, shop and classroom
- Sharing of supplies will be limited with crafters bringing their own supplies
- Mixed Media Art supplies and equipment will be sanitised before and after each class, and not shared between people during class

If a visitor or staff member does become unwell, you will be contacted within 24 hours of Mixed Media Art staff being notified.
For more information
Visit the Victorian Government website
Information accurate as at 18 January 2022
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