Wanted to make your own Junk Journal but felt it was too overwhelming? Join Michelle for this 2 hour, in person class to create a Junk Journal using the ScrapFX Junk Journal Kit. Learn the basics of book binding then get creative as you personalise your own junk journal. The class is run at the light-filled, fully air conditioned Mixed Media Arts Studio, in Mt Waverley (see here for details) Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Next In Person Class
– to be scheduled, 7pm
Arrive and setup from 6:30pm
Class starts at 7:00pm
– Assemble your Junk Journal from one of the ScrapFX kits
– Begin to personalise your junk journal with collaging, painting and more
– Pack up and depart by 9:00pm
Included in Class
- Over 2 hours of arty tuition at the Mixed Media Art Studio
- ScrapFX Junk Journal kit in your choice of design (valued at $18)
- All of your book binding and junk journaling questions answered
- Access to Studios supply of paints, stencils and foam stamps
(refer to our Hygiene Policy) - Tea & coffee available
[See our Hygiene Policy and health screening requirements]
Supplies to Bring

- Awl or tool for making holes
- Upholstery needle or large eyed needle (if you have one)
- Ruler and pencil
- Two bulldog clips
- Acrylic paints; 3 to 4 colours (all warm or all cool) plus white
- Gesso; any brand
- Ephemera; old book pages, sheet music, dictionary, printed tissue, magazine images or any other “junk” you want to add to your junk journal
- Various paint brushes and water pot
- Stencils
- Pens and markers in black and white
- Scissors
- Baby wipes or cloth
- Apron or painty clothes
Plus the MMA Studio store will be open if there is something you need!
If you have any questions, please give Michelle a call on 0448 417 400
Sign up now!
Next class: Thursday 25 June 2020, 7pm $52 inc GST,
includes a ScrapFX Junk Journal Kit
Class limited to 6 places
Read our Hygiene Policy and health screening requirements
NOTE: please include your main email address in the Sellers Instructions section of the check out.
This will help our admin team send out a reminder, plus directions of finding the Studio.

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