Mixed Media Artist ~ Marilyn Comparetto

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Our Mixed Media Art community is a diverse bunch; from all around the world, with different interests, reasons why we create and a wide range of skills.  Over the next few weeks we will be featuring a range of mixed media artists to tell their stories and share their artwork.

This week we are talking with Marilyn Comparetto.


Marilyn Comparetto

Marilyn lives in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom and is 59 years old.  She is mother to 11 children (3 of her husbands and 8 of her own);  5 girls(women) and 6 boys(men) which includes one set of triplets and one set of twins!!

“I found my love for art when the triplets were 3 years old and never looked back,” Marilyn says.  “I paint using most materials and more recently using mixed media style that I call Mixism.”

You can view Marilyn’s work on her website MarilynComparetto.co.uk


mixed media art painting

Great Heavans Above


mixed media art painting

June 2009


Thanks for sharing your art with us Marilyn.

